GOLDTRACK participant companies have raised more than 2Bn € after graduating
Industry leaders provided each company with approximately 400 hours of 2:1 coaching
ACI is a proven catalyst for driving successful participant company exits
Our portfolio companies reach great heights with Gold Track
Our broad network of experts
Work closely with seasoned experts. Unlock your true potential.
Portfolio Companies
Providing the necessary support and resources for the next generation of leaders in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medtech, and digital to establish successful companies.
We Link Company Needs
With Investor Desires
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Gold Track
Accelerating the growth of massively scalable healthcare companies. What if there were someone in your life sciences network you could turn to for answers to all your questions and concerns? Someone with a proven track record of creating highly successful healthcare businesses, to help you realise the true potential of your own? Gold Track pairs promising companies with top-flight life science advisors who immerse themselves in your ideating, strategising, and operational execution to set you on a path to success.
Hear from Our Mentors

Upcoming Workshops

Next Gold Track Workshop
October 13-14, 2022, Austria

Next Gold Track Workshop
October 13-14, 2022, Austria

Next Gold Track Workshop
October 13-14, 2022, Austria
Gold Track takes companies higher.